1961 Ford F500 project.

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Re: 1961 Ford F500 project.

Post by DavidBarkey »

@JSinMO , Yes when the torch comes out , they get replaced . But more often than not , lugs coming loose is one of two things . Lube used on the lugs ,or rust / corrosion on the hub and / or the rim not allowing to seat 100% . Usually all of the above .
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Re: 1961 Ford F500 project.

Post by DavidBarkey »

Quote"I found this wrench in the RV. It fits the lugs. But of course it’s broke. Pretty much useless like this. I don’t have the missing pieces. I was thinking about trying to fix it but it might be a fool’s errand.

Get a impact socket the correct size . Cut the bad end off and grind a square that will just fit . The tighter the better and hold it in place with a bit of weld from inside the socket . Then you have something you can keep in truck .
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Re: 1961 Ford F500 project.

Post by JSinMO »

DavidBarkey wrote: Mon Dec 12, 2022 6:16 am
Get a impact socket the correct size . Cut the bad end off and grind a square that will just fit . The tighter the better and hold it in place with a bit of weld from inside the socket . Then you have something you can keep in truck .
Excellent idea Dave! It’s a two way wrench so I have to have a hole in both ends for the rod to go through.

So I’m thinking of something like this. Maybe I could weld a socket in and weld in a piece where it’s missing.
So I have a few vacation days I have to take before the end of the year. We’re having a couple of above average temperature days before it gets cold again so I decided to get the rims painted. I had them and the paint in the basement so they wouldn’t be too cold to paint.
As it turned out the temperature was warm enough to open the shop door and give them 2 good coats of paint! Now they can sit till I’m ready to mount tires!
There not perfect by any stretch, but they’ll be the shiniest things on the truck!
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Re: 1961 Ford F500 project.

Post by Eugen »

It's coming along nicely Jeff, the rims look good!
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Re: 1961 Ford F500 project.

Post by DavidBarkey »

Try a file on the side of the socket . You might be able to drill the socket if you use lube and go slower speed .
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Re: 1961 Ford F500 project.

Post by DavidBarkey »

Why is it that every automotive project gets shinny rims and tire before anything else ?
:rofl: :rofl: I have to say I too have been guilty of this back in the day .
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Re: 1961 Ford F500 project.

Post by JSinMO »

DavidBarkey wrote: Wed Dec 14, 2022 4:30 pm Why is it that every automotive project gets shinny rims and tire before anything else ?
:rofl: :rofl: I have to say I too have been guilty of this back in the day .

:rofl: that does seem to be the way it is! I can only speak for me. In this case it can look like crap and still drive, but not with out wheels and tires! :rofl:

When I find another socked I’ll try and file it and see if I can drill it. :thumbsup:
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Re: 1961 Ford F500 project.

Post by JSinMO »

It was a pretty nice day today so I spent some time on Herbie.
Today I pulled a brake drum and took a look at things.
The bearings look fine to me. A clean up and repack with a new seal and back in they go!
The brakes don’t look bad either. The shoes still have some life so I’m gonna run them for now. Anybody want to place a bet on how many wheel cylinders leak when I start bleeding brakes?

A quick cleanup and a Craigslist rebuild pant job and it almost looks like new…from 15 feet away!
I just had time to do one side today, but not a bad way to spend a nice New Year’s Eve!
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Re: 1961 Ford F500 project.

Post by Eugen »

A fine job on that Jeff! :thumbsup:
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Re: 1961 Ford F500 project.

Post by DavidBarkey »

looks good Jeff , all or none will leaks . If none ,quickly go out and play the lottery before your luck runs out .
Mad Tractor Builder
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