Gardens 2022

It's ground engaging time. Seeds, manure, soil, and everything that goes with them. But that's not all. Cutting and hauling wood, chainsaws and the works!
Eugen Canada
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Re: Gardens 2022

Post by Eugen »

The weeds were crazy and I could no longer ignore the issue. It was a hand too stem combat. An ugly battle.
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Re: Gardens 2022

Post by JSinMO »

I hear ya @Eugen Lack of time mixed with a little late season garden apathy, and sprinkled with some rain has once again turned my garden into a weed patch this year as well. But we still got plenty and some thing are still coming. We’re looking forward to our cantaloupe and watermelon ripening, they are getting close.
Looks like you fought the good fight! I’m sure the tomatoes thank you!
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Re: Gardens 2022

Post by Eugen »

Something strange Jeff, the tomato plants and fruit are really health. Remember I was worried when they got started about a disease on them. Never had a chance to spray them, the new leaves seemed fine and they developed well. I'm sure they weeding now helps.

Neat that you can grow cantaloupe and watermelons! I never tried plus we have a very small garden. Hope you get to enjoy them soon!
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Re: Gardens 2022

Post by JSinMO »

Eugen wrote: Tue Aug 16, 2022 10:55 pm Something strange Jeff, the tomato plants and fruit are really health. Remember I was worried when they got started about a disease on them.

Yes I remember you saying that. They must have not been diseased. Could have been other reasons too, like weather or maybe too much or too little water when they were starting off. It’s been my experience that tomato plants are fairly hearty. We’ve had unusually hot weather here in early summer this year that stunted our plants but they came out of it ok. Fruit production has been a little off as a result but we’re still getting plenty.

I’m glad yours turned out healthy and your getting good tomatoes from them!
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Re: Gardens 2022

Post by Gordy »

Late to the party, it's been a crazy summer here. Most of the garden got planted late, but am getting some tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, summer squash, and beans out of it.

Years ago my sweet corn was getting hammered. I ran a extension cord out there with a radio set to a hard rock/heavy metal station and full volume. I was told that would scare the coons off, It did NOT work. So I set live traps out in the rows, a little voice in my head told me to tie a rope to the end of the traps so I could drag them out. Sure was glad I listened to that little voice, as the problem was not coons but SKUNKS!!! Coons still like to raid and tear up the :wife: bird feeders and tear up the yard while grubbing. So I have 8 live traps and 12 dog safe (can't fit its paw into the trap) coon leg hold traps set at all times. The highest count was 19 coons in one year and 21 possum. Since we have a couple outdoor cats I use the bird feed as bait even though the cat food would be a better choice, the :wife: would use that rolling pin on me if a cat got in on of the leg hold traps. The neighbors and local farmers have thanked me as their yields have gone up enough for me to get some free :drink:

I had some soaker hose, It was round and looked like recycled rubber in small bits glued together. It worked great the first year with reduced flow the second and almost none the third year. Turned out I have enough iron in my water to plug it up :violin: With new hose I rigged up a whole house filter with a 5 micron filter element just for the soaker hose, then got many years out of the hose till it died of old age.

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Re: Gardens 2022

Post by Eugen »

That was quite some community service you provided there with the raccoons @Gordy ! :giggle: :thumbsup:
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Re: Gardens 2022

Post by Gordy »

I told one neighbor if the :cop: ever come around with one of those cadaver sniffing dogs, the dog will go crazy with all the varmints buried here :D Every time the neighbor with the show cattle gets a truck load of hay shipped in from down south we get a bunch of possums with it :112: People have asked if I cooked up a possum to try it :barf: "HELL NO, if the cats won't eat it neither will I"

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Re: Gardens 2022

Post by propane1 »

J D Calmpet, Granny, Jethro and Ellymay ( :drool: ) use to have possum inards for dinner, Gordy. :rofl: :78: :D

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Re: Gardens 2022

Post by JSinMO »

@Gordy this is the first year we’ve had real problems with varmints. I did the same thing you did, I set out traps. I wasn’t as smart as you, I didn’t think to tie a string to ours, but luckily we haven’t got a skunk yet! We got a big raccoon ( the source of our issues), and two possums. Like you said, none of them will end up on the dinner table!
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Re: Gardens 2022

Post by Gordy »

Propane57 wrote: Wed Aug 17, 2022 12:49 pm J D Calmpet, Granny, Jethro and Ellymay ( :drool: ) use to have possum inards for dinner, Gordy. :rofl: :78: :D

If you think it would get across the border, I could send the next one up to you next day air and packed in dry ice :D You first as it were :rofl:

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