In Dec. 2021 I was given this Allis Chalmers B-112 barn find . Sat for over 15 years to that point . Got it running in the spring of 2022 . The plan was to have it fully restored for Dad's 80th this month. Summer 2022 it was completly disassembled , parts requiered list made and sand blasting started . The big parts were done first leaving the smalls to do in the cabinet blaster over winter . With all parts blasted and treated ready for paint , as soon as weather was warm enough to spray base yellow (sanding coat). Spring of 2023 I got 3/4 of the parts painted . Before I could get back to paint the last of the parts I blew the bottom disk in my back pulling vine ROOTs in the

flower garden

. Spent most of the spring and summer on the IL list again

. The end of August I was able to get the last pieces painted . The end of the week looks like my best chance to get the parts in final paint . Enamal with reducer and hardener sprayed outside . Then left to harden for a few weeks before reassembling can begin.
So now I have a couple of days to get all these yellow parts sanded out ready for final paint .