Adventures with the 222 (aka "Maxine")

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Adventures with the 222 (aka "Maxine")

Post by RoamingGnome »

So, a couple of months ago I was all excited and bought my 2nd tractor - a nice shiny '88 Ingersoll 222 (aka Maxine)
Case 222 Maxine -3a.jpg
Case 222 Maxine - 2a.jpg
Drove it around the owners yard, even cut some of his grass with it. Everything seemed ok and we agreed on a price. I returned a couple of days later with the truck and trailer and brought it home.

The next day I was online and saw the great deal for Grandpa (the 195) - so we hurriedly unloaded the 222 and took off on a crazy drive to Sarnia to pick up the 195 and bring it home...

The following week I went to start Maxine and do a couple of laps around the yard as the grass was getting long... Maxine didn't want to start... :headbash:

Words were said :cuss: :bla: and Maxine was pushed to the back corner of the yard and the tarp of shame was draped over her... :114:

So yesterday before the storm I took the mower deck off and pushed Maxine back into the tent garage behind Max so I could start figuring out why her attitude. :hm:

Popped the hood open and I immediately noticed the pile of dried grass behind the dash, :114:
I'm sure I didn't notice this when I was originally looking at the machine before I agreed to the price... :106:
and all the messy electrical tape covering most of the wires. Cleaned up the grass and pulled back some of the electrical tape... seems a previous owner had problems with mice -
- every wire on the back of the ignition switch had been chewed on :cuss:
Spent several hours this morning doing a combination of making up new wires, or cutting out the mangy sections and repairing them with heat shrink butt connectors.
Handy thing to have is this generic electrical connector kit - perfect for releasing connectors from plugs so you can re-use the original plastic connectors
Going to go out later and get some liquid electrical tape to seal up the wires coming out of the plug with the resistors / diodes or whatever is hiding in the chunk of epoxy...
might have to get a replacement for that eventually...
So far mission accomplished, the back of the Ignition switch looks all nice and clean and tidy now.
Last edited by RoamingGnome on Sat Feb 01, 2025 6:56 pm, edited 3 times in total.
'68 Case 195, '84 Case 446, '88 Ingersoll 222 - and 1965 Case 530ck (fullsize backhoe)
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Re: Fixing the 222...

Post by Eugen »

A common problem on "new" to you tractors. While not the most pleasant of jobs, being forced to redo the electrical can be one of those blessings in disguise. Does it start now? :D
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Re: Fixing the 222...

Post by RoamingGnome »

Does it start now? Ha, you make me laugh - :rofl:
Going out later to get some liquid electrical tape so I can make sure all the smoke stays inside the wires,
By then the batteries should be charged - having a battery party in the basement - big case backhoe, Samurai, Ford F350, Case garden tractors and a few spare ones for good luck 🤞
Making sure they are all ready for the trip up north -
I definitely got the power! :highfive:
'68 Case 195, '84 Case 446, '88 Ingersoll 222 - and 1965 Case 530ck (fullsize backhoe)
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Re: Fixing the 222...

Post by RoamingGnome »

Well... Electrical is done for now,
Brush on electrical tape worked great, (Oops, forgot to do an "after" photo with black goop over all the bare wires :giggle: )
Everything electrical seems to work (sort of) It looks like the big issue is the fuel system. :(

I can see some crud in the bottom of the fuel tank, and when I pulled the fuel filter and replaced it with a small clear one I cranked and cranked but didn't see any fuel going into the filter. :pullhair: Put my finger on the inlet to the fuel pump and as the engine is cranking I can feel a tiny little bit of suction.

Enough for tonight, tomorrow is a new day, take the fuel tank out, clean it out and replace the fuel lines with new hose/

A couple of electrical questions for the more experienced here - I found my in line spark tester, when cranking If I hold the Ignition switch all the way over I don't get any spark until I back off just a smidge - so it's still cranking, but the key isn't pushed all the way over - Is that normal ? :pullhair:

And the other thing... When I turn the engine off (or stop trying to crank) the battery light stays on,
for several minutes after the key has been taken out of the switch - It does eventually go out, I've been disconnecting the battery just in case...
'68 Case 195, '84 Case 446, '88 Ingersoll 222 - and 1965 Case 530ck (fullsize backhoe)
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Re: Fixing the 222...

Post by DavidBarkey »

Quote / A couple of electrical questions for the more experienced here - I found my in line spark tester, when cranking If I hold the Ignition switch all the way over I don't get any spark until I back off just a smidge - so it's still cranking, but the key isn't pushed all the way over - Is that normal ? :pullhair: / Quote
No , the switch is worn . That may explain the battery light on for a time after key off. Get on from our dealers . They all look the same on the out side but have different contacter patterns on the inside . Very easy to get the wrong one if you are not familier with them . Get a new pig tail at the same time .
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Re: Fixing the 222...

Post by RoamingGnome »

Thanks for the info @DavidBarkey
Sounds like it's time to get a shopping list together
Gerry :cheers:
'68 Case 195, '84 Case 446, '88 Ingersoll 222 - and 1965 Case 530ck (fullsize backhoe)
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Re: Fixing the 222 (aka "Maxine")

Post by RoamingGnome »

Update time... (Is it Spring yet ?)
At times last summer it felt like I was running a drop in centre for non-running Case tractors, no problems, there was always room in the tent garage while I did my troubleshooting and waited for the packages of new parts to arrive... In addition to replacing all the rodent chewed wiring, Maxine got a new ignition switch, diode pigtail, fuel pump, fuel lines, changed out the fuel tank, cleaned out the carburettor, and will eventually get new LED headlights.
(the original plastic lenses were badly melted :headbash: )
As the chewed wires and other electrical issues were tidied up it became obvious I now had spark but wasn't getting any gas to the carb, previous owner had substituted a smaller steel fuel tank :106: for the original which he said was leaking...
@Eugen sold me a good used fuel tank and I slid it under the seat along with new fuel lines and a new fuel filter. Once fuel was able to make it out of the tank I then discovered the fuel pump was marginal and needed to be replaced - so it got swapped for a cheap plastic one from Amazon ~ (seems to be working ok so far)... The next headache was fuel now made it to the Carb, but nothing was getting into the bowl. :45:

I took advantage of the crazy warm winter day today and pulled the carb off, cleaned it out, replaced seals, float needle and the float pivot pin... Cranked it over a few times, and miracle of miracles it started running for the first time since I drove it off the trailer when i brought it home 8 months ago.
Of course there are always nit picky things to tweak and improve... Looks like previous owner had issues with losing the retainer for the throttle linkage,
And... the hole was pretty badly worn,
Made a quick and dirty plastic bushing to take up the slop for now, and found a clip from my old Samurai carb parts to retain the linkage.
Still have a little more electrical work to do - finish the wiring to the headlights, and decide which of the handful of LED lights will work the best (none of them fit perfectly and I'm still on the fence at the moment about enlarging the holes in the front of the hood...)

But I'm very happy that I finally have a tractor that I can drive out of the tent garage again... :smash:
'68 Case 195, '84 Case 446, '88 Ingersoll 222 - and 1965 Case 530ck (fullsize backhoe)
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Re: Fixing the 222 (aka "Maxine")

Post by JSinMO »

Thanks for sharing the story and good pictures! You’ve done quite a bit of work to Maxine. With everything you found wrong I’m surprised it ran and mowed when you first looked at it. Maybe she was asking for help and knew you could fix her up! :D Now that she’s on the road to recovery it should be a good machine for a good long while! :thumbsup:
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Re: Fixing the 222 (aka "Maxine")

Post by DavidBarkey »

@RoamingGnome :congrats: Gerry. The reality ith old GTs. is poeple lose interest in keeping them up or can't find anyone to work on them . Most people want new , shiny , cheap and right now . So we can pick up these fixer uppers , and with some time / patients/ and money we get a machine that will most likely out live us .
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Re: Fixing the 222 (aka "Maxine")

Post by RoamingGnome »

Thanks for your comments @JSinMO and @DavidBarkey The rambling story and photos of Maxine's repairs help remind me of time spent figuring out her attitude problems :headbash: and appreciate all the hidden stuff that will hopefully give me years of use with fewer headaches. :))

They definitely don't make them like these anymore, and I know that the shiny, mostly plastic riding mowers on display outside the big box stores will have a shorter lifespan, with a much quicker trip to the scrapyard when the time is up. For me, there is a lot of enjoyment in finally seeing something running and knowing I solved some problems and learned some new stuff along the way. Funny thing is that despite having 3 garden tractors with mower decks, none of them are likely to cut much grass... But I'm sure there will be some interesting GT fabrication projects to share in the near future :)
'68 Case 195, '84 Case 446, '88 Ingersoll 222 - and 1965 Case 530ck (fullsize backhoe)
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