Thanks for setting up an account for me. I have been extremely busy for the last couple months but I’m finally here. Owner of a 1977 446. My father in law bought it used around 1980 and I finally inherited it. We are from Cambridge Ontario. The hardest thing I find owning this great tractor is finding parts. Luckily not much goes wrong with them. Have a good day everyone.
Welcome aboard @Wabasto . Parts availability and sourcing up here in can be daunting at times, but I have got pretty good at it . Plus I repair a lot and have used parts from old machines in storage . We have a few really helpful dealers that are members here as well .
Welcome to the forum @Wabasto , your tractor looks in great shape! Many of us ended up on a forum once we started looking for information on these tractors. We have a huge manual section at this link:
It's not very well organized yet, but has lots of manuals. We got a few members who are very knowledgeable as well, you'll be able to find answers to pretty much any and all questions you have.
I want to thank everyone that has sent me a message and welcomed me to the site. Also appreciate the comments on the 446. Everyone have a great weekend. Paul