4020/3118 AH Hy-pump

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TLD89 United States of America
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4020/3118 AH Hy-pump

Post by TLD89 »

I have a 3118 Hydraulic pump off of a parts tractor and was wounding what is the difference between the two? Could it be adapted to the 4020 for more power to the snow caster, log splitter, tiller...?
myerslawnandgarden United States of America
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Re: 4020/3118 AH Hy-pump

Post by myerslawnandgarden »


The 3118 AH pump would not be a good choice as it is a tandem pump with two individual sections rather than just a higher volume pump. A considerable amount of plumbing would need to be done. A better choice, if you want a higher GPM pump would be one from a power steering model.

Bear in mind, that a larger displacement pump does not equate to more power to run attachments as you state, it just makes them run faster or just as fast at a lower engine rpm. To actually provide more power you would have to upgrade the entire system to allow it to operate at a higher pressure.

TLD89 United States of America
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Re: 4020/3118 AH Hy-pump

Post by TLD89 »

Bob, Thanks for the info something to maybe consider if and when I need to buy a new pump.
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