1961 Ford F500 project.

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Re: 1961 Ford F500 project.

Post by Eugen »

@JSinMO You're making good, steady progress. It'll be useful to have around for sure, and I agree with you, I wish more stuff was made now that way, so one could fix it at home. :smash:
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Re: 1961 Ford F500 project.

Post by JSinMO »

Ole Herbie has been sitting for awhile now. I figured I better start him up and drive for a bit.
It took some cranking to get fuel pumped up into the bowl but it eventually fired up. I guess it’s been sitting just long enough because now it won’t idle :headbash: I can run it up through the gears and at higher rpm it runs great but it just dies at idle. So I pulled it up to shop to have a look.
This has an early Ford Motorcraft 2100 carburetor. Looking down the throat and pushing the accelerator pump I see the squirter on the drivers side is plugged.
I I’m not sure how the passages for the idle circuit run, but I wonder if my troubles could be in the Venturis? I took the top off the carburetor and thought I’d check the float while I was in here. You may remember when I first started working on the truck it had a hole in it. It looks like the Seals all epoxy I used it still holding just fine it’s been almost a year since I made that repair. Thanks again to @propane1 for the tip on using Seals all!
I pulled the Venturi assembly out and sure enough it was plugged up.
I cleaned all the passages and reassembled the carburetor. Now I have two good streams of fuel for the pump shot but still no idle :cuss: I played around with the idle adjustment screws and found that the drivers side screw is doing nothing. All the way in or all the way way out it makes no difference. I’d say I found my problem. That’s enough for tonight. Next time I’ll have to pull the carburetor off the engine and spend some time cleaning the passages up.

I’m thinking I should probably add something to the fuel to try and keep this from happening. I like Seafoam so I might add some of the that. What do you guys use to keep fuel good in your machines?
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Re: 1961 Ford F500 project.

Post by Toolslinger »

I run Stabil, and I use Seafoam, and honestly, I can't say I feel it's doing anyhing to avoid the headaches. The Seafoam seems to help deal with those problems, but that's about all I can say. When I run out of the several bottles of Stabil I have, I doubt I'll replace it. Spending that money on more carb cleaner is probably a better investment. Running equipment completely dry seems to be the only way I don't get blocked passages.
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Re: 1961 Ford F500 project.

Post by DavidBarkey »

Quote :the idle adjustment screws and found that the drivers side screw is doing nothing. Quote:
Take the Idle screw out and with a piece of vac hose on the air nossel carefully burp the debries back into the bowl then clean out the bowl . Make sure the top is on or covered when doing this , gas in the eyes is not fun .
I run 2 oz. of Seafoam in every 5 gallons of gas . Since I started doing this back when I was doing Drive Clean repair I have not had one of my carb gum up do to ethanol problems . The money I spend is saved back by only running regular gas . But you have to do it religestly year round .
You may keep the change .
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Re: 1961 Ford F500 project.

Post by JSinMO »

Well this turned into something! :109:
I couldn’t get the driver’s side idle circuit to clear. I went ahead and pulled the carburetor off the engine. It was easier for me to understand how it works being able to look it over on the bench. The bowl is dirty for sure.
Now I know the passages in the body of the carburetor is fine. The trouble is in the boosters. The main jets feed the booster but there is also a smaller tube inside each one that feeds the idle circuit. You may be able to see it in the picture.
The left side is clear the right side is plugged. It’s a small orifice not sure how I’m going to get it clear. Carb cleaner wire and air haven’t worked yet. I decided to quit for the night and regroup tomorrow.
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Re: 1961 Ford F500 project.

Post by DavidBarkey »

It is difficult to see what the "dirty " is made of , but looks like a mix of rust and fuel residue . Change you fuel filter before putting back together . Either it is letting stuff by or it is the source of the rust . As for the blockage , put the part in a small pot of cleaning vinegar and warm it up, but not bolling on the stove for 30 mins. . Then try clearing the blockage .
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Re: 1961 Ford F500 project.

Post by JSinMO »

DavidBarkey wrote: Sat Oct 26, 2024 6:35 am It is difficult to see what the "dirty " is made of , but looks like a mix of rust and fuel residue . Change you fuel filter before putting back together . Either it is letting stuff by or it is the source of the rust . As for the blockage , put the part in a small pot of cleaning vinegar and warm it up, but not bolling on the stove for 30 mins. . Then try clearing the blockage .

I think it’s mostly fuel residue. I threw it o. The stove and cooked it for awhile!
Son came in the kitchen and said, “what are you cooking”!
I said, I’m cooking Venturis. He said, what is that, and why does it smell like vinegar! :rofl:

I showed him what was in the pot and he just shook his head! :rofl:

Unfortunately it didn’t work. I just can’t imagine what got stuck in there. So I put everything back on the truck so I could at least move it back to its parking spot for now. Then I realized I lost the check ball for the power valve! :cuss: :headbash: :headbash: :headbash:

I got so aggravated I figured I should stop for now and think this over before I really screwed something up.
So I’ll have to dig around in my parts and see if I have a check ball. Then figure out what I’m going to do with the booster cluster. It’s not made to come apart.

I think that Jonny Blum guy that @Spike188 was talking about has been here!
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Re: 1961 Ford F500 project.

Post by MattA »

I used an ultrasonic cleaner with a built in heater on my tractor carburetor this spring. Lots of videos on YouTube for doing this. I used some simple green and distilled water in the cleaner. I didn't actually use that much simple green but it worked great. With the amount of tractor carb work you do, it might make sense to buy one. Use it for cleaning other parts too.
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Re: 1961 Ford F500 project.

Post by DavidBarkey »

The vinegar will eat away fuel sludge and rust particles . So if it did not work then it must be a piece of grit (sand ) which means your fuel filter is not filtering or piece or dirt from being open before . You could try an ultrasonic cleaner and hope it can shatter it .
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Re: 1961 Ford F500 project.

Post by JSinMO »

Honestly I never worried about getting a sonic cleaner before. This is the first time I had a carburetor problem I wasn’t able to resolve. I might have to look into it at some point. As far as this issue, for now it’s going to have to go on the back burner till I figure out what I want to do.
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