Private Messages not sending due to default settings.

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Spike188 Canada
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Private Messages not sending due to default settings.

Post by Spike188 »

Blank PM.jpg
The default settings for sending private messages prevent all users from sending PM's
new PM ready.jpg
After filling in the recipients name and the message.

a person would scroll to the bottom of the page and hit "Submit"
Submit blue Attach Signature.jpg
The problem is that the message will not send if the default "Attach a signature (signatures can be altered via the UCP)" box is checked blue.

This box must be unchecked for the message to send.

Another option is to make a signature. This can be done by clicking the "Profile" and then "Edit signature".
Signature added.jpg

Add your name, or handle, or tag that can be sent with your private messages.
Submit blue Attach Signature.jpg
Scroll down and hit "Submit" and return to the Private messages tab.
Once this step is completed the default setting for attach signature will add your tag and messages will send.

Without removing the check from the "Attach a signature (signatures can be altered via the UCP)" or adding a signature all messages that you try to send are permanently lost and have to be retyped.


Spike188 aka Eugene with an E and Eugen
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Re: Private Messages not sending due to default settings.

Post by Eugen »

Thanks for making sense of this and posting about it, what a screwy default! I wish I could change this so others don't suffer from it ever again! :cheers:
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