Drag and drop images from another site

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Eugen Canada
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Drag and drop images from another site

Post by Eugen »

Here's the easiest way I could find to link to images from another site, on a desktop. For this example I'm using Firefox. I have one window of Firefox in which I'm typing this new post, opened on the left half the screen, and another Firefox window opened with a post from craigslist on the right side of the screen.

Watch this video to see how I did it:


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Re: Drag and drop images from another site

Post by Gordy »

You are a heck of a lot smarter than I am :77: How the heck did you get two windows open on the same screen????

Eugen Canada
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Re: Drag and drop images from another site

Post by Eugen »

Not easy Gordy, not easy at all. But I have no shame getting good ideas from others, so out came the hacksaw and cut each window in half. The rest is history. :132:
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Re: Drag and drop images from another site

Post by crazycase »

This bring back some good old memory's
I forgot how to do it from way back when
I will try this next time I add some good looking tractors
Thank you thank you thank you

:arrow: Just came in from fighting my way back to the 4020
got it on the charger :idea: now waiting to see if the battery will live another mowing season
My young ones think the garage is like there bedroom closet you know throw it in and shut the door fast so nothing falls out, boy I hate that
going to have to school them on the right way, never hide the the tractors under there stuff :o

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Re: Drag and drop images from another site

Post by Eugen »

crazycase wrote: Mon Mar 22, 2021 3:03 pm
:arrow: Just came in from fighting my way back to the 4020
got it on the charger :idea: now waiting to see if the battery will live another mowing season
My young ones think the garage is like there bedroom closet you know throw it in and shut the door fast so nothing falls out, boy I hate that
going to have to school them on the right way, never hide the the tractors under there stuff :o

hahaha, that's hilarious cc, but what can you do, kids! We love 'em! I can't wait 'til my toddlers will start doing that! :40: :24:
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Re: Drag and drop images from another site

Post by Toolslinger »

Nice tutorial.

We need to keep in mind a couple things here though.

I believe this is "3rd party hosting" of the image. Lots of sites don't like that as you're burning up their server space, and bandwidth, and not using their site. Personally, I don't much care, but they can block it from working on their side. It's been a while, but I remember doing this, and while my computer had permission to view the image because I was on the site (cookies possibly), nobody else was able to see the images.

The second issue, and this is more of a problem I think, is when the other image source goes away, so does the image. Now, if we're talking about a link to a Craigslist ad that's going to be meaningless in a few weeks anyway, it doesn't matter. If you're using this technique in a forum you want to have lasting usefulness, then it becomes an issue. Think of all the various forums out there now with crap posts because Photobucket stopped allowing 3rd Party links unless people started paying them way too much. I've got thousands of posts on the forums I've been on for the last 20+ years, and all my tech writeups are trashed because of that. I've still got the photos, but I sure wasn't paying for their service, and I don't have enough time in my life to go back and backfill photos in to the old posts, if I could even find them all...

I don't really have a good solution for this. I know we can push images up to this site and others, and I do. I've no idea what that does to the cost of hosting a site. Photos build up quickly I imagine, and are storage hogs. Likely not a major issue on startup of a forum, but after we burn up the included storage space, it's going to come at some price.
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Re: Drag and drop images from another site

Post by Eugen »

Indeed, it's a catch 22.

The reason I posted this small tutorial was specifically because cc prefers this method, to quickly post ads from sites like craigslist. I wonder if we do want to keep forever images from classified posts. There is no question that we do want to keep images from regular posts on our server, as that becomes the history of the site. It's really annoying to find a really interesting thread in a forum, only to see that all the images are gone because they were just linked to an external site that disappeared, instead of stored locally.

I have never seen a drag and drop from another site that would bring the image and store it on the forum server. If copy/paste the image would work, that would be easy, but the extension I installed didn't work for me. I'll keep this in mind though, if I come across a solution will implement it.

Ideally we would store images in all posts on our server. Then, at some point I'll have to increase storage, which, of course comes at a price. I guess we'll cross that bridge when we get there. :) We should be ok for a few months, I think.
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Re: Drag and drop images from another site

Post by crazycase »

OK Guys
Tried to add a photo last night it would not take again, it's starting to were on me :oops:
I was thinking, adding it to my own photos nope that didn't work either
If you have photos save on your own computer would that keep the imagens a live on the site ?
When I drag the pic over it just goes away, I'm missing a step I guess but it's turning me into a nut
This is a new computer but it might be a old stock buy, who knows :?:

Image tried putting in between the (img] ------[/img] didn't work :oops:
Hell I can't get one pic to go :oops:
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Re: Drag and drop images from another site

Post by Eugen »

Hm.. sorry to hear that, I tested it quite well.

What browser are you using? And what operating system?
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Re: Drag and drop images from another site

Post by Spike188 »

I have another way that works for pictures on my computer. My internet is down this afternoon so am doing this from my cell.
Step 1 open the CCIGT post window and add text.
Step 2 open my Picture file to the photos I want to upload.
Step 3 split the screen so both steps 1 and 2 can be seen.
Step 4 right click the picture to be up loaded and drag into the CCIGT text input area. The boarder of the CCIGT text input box should pulse with a dotted line boarder. Release the right click and drop picture.
Step 5 scroll down below the text input box. There should be a new window with the image name and a metering bar showing that the photo is uploading. When the green bar reaches 100%, two new buttons will appear next to the photo name.
Step 6 place the cursor in the text where it is to be placed.
Step7 drop back down to the image name below the CCIGT text box and click on one of the 3 buttons that indicates that you want to place the photo into your text.
Step 8 You will not see the photo in the text box but this should appear.《photo name jpeg or png.》
Step 9 select preview and the image will appear in the preview window.
Step 10 with each change made in the text box click PReview to see the edited change.

When our net is back up I will try making a tutorial.

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