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Eugen Canada
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Re: New users

Post by Eugen »

I didn't mean to put any pressure on anyone to post more. It is what it is. :114:
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Spike188 Canada
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Re: New users

Post by Spike188 »

Sometimes I :creeper: on stuff to post, then feel like I'm :j to deep and feel like the :446cart: is full enougfh. I just want to :cheers: and enjoy the :call:

Translation: When I add to a post or dig something up and others reply, I don't want to feel like I have to have the last word. I would rather not overfill our little cart with my :moo: (bull), instead just know I had a good time here.

I share the same feelings as others have stated. I have a fear of posting incorrect information then edited and reedited posts. Other times thinking I took enough pictures of a project for a good story or guide only to find out a step was missed. Most of my posts take hours to put together because my spelling :cuss: and grammar is substandard :headbash:

Sometimes I just have to let go and :spin: roll with what is on my mind.
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Eugen Canada
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Re: New users

Post by Eugen »

I confess posting way too much.
I confess posting even when I'm not sure of something, like being on the bench and blurting out an opinion.
I confess compulsively feeling the need to reply to almost every posting, which may make others feel uncomfortable.
I confess using this forum much as a personal log.
:109: :hitsfan: sorry guys, I'll try to moderate myself.
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THEOTHERHALF United States of America
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Re: New users


I enjoy reading your posts guys, so much to be learned, reading has helped me alot in all kinds of areas, ideals come from seeing and reading, thanks guys for all the rambles. kyle
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Gordy United States of America
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Re: New users

Post by Gordy »

Eugen wrote: Wed Jan 18, 2023 9:39 am I confess posting way too much.
I confess posting even when I'm not sure of something, like being on the bench and blurting out an opinion.
I confess compulsively feeling the need to reply to almost every posting, which may make others feel uncomfortable.
I confess using this forum much as a personal log.
:109: :hitsfan: sorry guys, I'll try to moderate myself.
Kinda reminds me of a pissing match I got into years ago. A newbie had asked a question, a grumpy old fart not so politely told him "this had been discussed a thousand times and to use the search feature". I jumped in saying that the search feature sucked if you don't have things worded just right, and could take hours to find anything relevant. And that anything and everything had already been discussed, so we might as well shut down the discussion part of the site and make it a read only archive. The point was we need these questions and whatnot to keep the site active and interesting. :drink:

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propane1 Canada
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Re: New users

Post by propane1 »

If nobody posts any thing , never ask a question, never post what your working on , never post a funny , never post about the weather , or just never have a ramble, then there will not be much of a site to use. If there is one.
I join these things for entertainment. I also join to find information, and to post the little information that I might have on a subject, that might just help someone out with a problem.

There. A ramble.

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Re: New users

Post by FreddyFont »

I don't think any of you are posting too much!

I've learned so much from all of you guys and enjoy reading everything that's on the site.

For me, I find that whatever I've worked on (mostly fluid changes and other basic stuff lol!) doesn't come close to the projects being done out there. Hard to comment when I can't contribute or know what you guys are talking about ! I think once I start using the tractor that will lead to more posts.

On the other side, inviting members to participate is not a bad thing, this is how the forum will keep growing.
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Re: New users

Post by JSinMO »

You guys have have made some really good comments on this topic. And I can relate to them. I enjoy reading what you all are up to, and yes there are times I don’t feel I can add substance to a topic. I just try to help where I can.

@Spike188 if you will allow me I would take exception to one thing you said. I’ve never considered anything you’ve posted to be bull! That’s coming from a guy that’s shoveled out many a cattle barn so I figure I can speak with some authority! :D I enjoy your posts and respect your opinion.

@Eugen i will confess to much of the same as you. But I can’t say I view it as a problem that should be altered. As proof of this I would offer you this thread.
Your spark to begin this topic created what I would consider an open good discussion among friends. Isn’t that why we’re here?
With that in mind I would ask you to reconsider your last statement, “ I’ll try to moderate myself.”, and instead carry on as you usually do.
I look forward to the topics you post and enjoy reading what is put forth. I’d hate to see that change.

To all of you I say thank you for what you contribute, I have learned a considerable amount since I’ve been here! If I can every help someone, or if I’ve overstepped in some way but your not comfortable posting please feel free to private message me.

There now, let’s see one of you guys top that ramble! :D
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Harry United States of America
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Re: New users

Post by Harry »

That was a good topic for discussion. Thanks to everyone who contributed. I have nothing to add. :peace: Harry
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