Doing a little autobody today

Discussions with more focus on welding.
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DavidBarkey Canada
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Doing a little autobody today

Post by DavidBarkey »

A freind asked me to do a little welding on this poor old Dodge . I think it last raced a Chevelle SS . Not only did it blow its doors of , but the front and too . :rofl: :rofl:
new torsion bar cross member in .
Now he has more work to do before the new floor pans go in .
It has been a few decades since I have done this kind of work .
Just like riding a bike I still know how to fall of with out getting hurt . :giggle:

Seiously it is a original Plum Crazy 340 4 speed Duster .
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Re: Doing a little autobody today

Post by JSinMO »

A danged old Dodge from the 70s with no floor pans? I can’t believe it! :rofl: :rofl:

Looking at the pictures made me think back to the cars back then. One of my aunts had a green on green Dart swinger with a slant 6. :barf: Then that reminded me of all the cars that guys were trying to hot rod. Do you remember Novas with the back end jack up? Or was that just a thing around here? I had a friend that shoe horned a 350 into a Vaga station wagon. I remember trying to help him figure out how to stuff headers in there! Haven’t thought of that in years!

Seriously though your friend still has a lot of work ahead of him, but he is going to end up with nice car that’s really desirable these days.

So how did it feel to be back in the saddle Mr. Dave? Is there a new hot rod project in your future?
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DavidBarkey Canada
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Re: Doing a little autobody today

Post by DavidBarkey »

Ya we had all that here too. Up here winters are long so lots of time to work on them if you had a garage . Anything with a 4 or 6 we figured out how to put in a 8 . If it had a small 8 , it got a bigger 8 . Big rear tires and chopped up exhaust .
No hot rods for me , Had my fill of that stuff years ago . Scale model (lawn tractor size) of a Allis Chalmers Model B is in the planning stage .
Didn't mind doing the welding part , but wouldn't want to get into all the drilling and cutting to remove the old panels.
Mad Tractor Builder
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