Happy 4th of July!

Shoot the breeze here.
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DavidBarkey Canada
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Re: Happy 4th of July!

Post by DavidBarkey »

Some people are just stupid and he may not realised that the stuff was landing in your yard. The "ME" society we live in people don't tend to think of how there actions affect others while others just don't care . Take him the debree and give him a chance to learn from it . Let him know that if it had of caused a fire He would have been liable for all damages and risk jail time for arson . At least that's the way it is up hear .
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MattA United States of America
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Re: Happy 4th of July!

Post by MattA »

Yeah I'm lucky it was a misty overcast day. The grass and roof were wet. Usually I don't get much fireworks debris at my house. The wind usually blows toward my house and at times we can get quite the sea breeze. He could have also just launched the fireworks at a slight angle. The launch zone is probably 200' from my house.

Adding some pics. I ended up hosing off my deck this morning. The chairs have granular debris from the fireworks. I also left my car outside that night. I quickly hosed my car and the red driveway stains yesterday but my car looks like it needs a good washing. It's long overdue for a washing anyways. Were expecting rain for the next 4-5 days so hopefully that cleans things up. Were headed out to the NY/PA area for a few days.
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