Took two days driving to get back home just in time before the snow last night. Ten hours on Friday and twelve yesterday. Mostly dry conditions except rain all through the mountains of West Virginia. 70 degrees in Florida to 30 degrees in NY, is a big change. I still have to get out and clean the snow off the driveways. Always good to get home and sleep in your own bed. Harry
Welcome back Harry , Look at all the seat time you missed while you were lounging down south . I hope the time away more than made up for the drive there and back .
Thanks everyone. I did get about two hours seat time today. I pulled out the 446 with snow caster by the shop. Cleaned one strip and as I backed the machine dropped down through the ice and was stuck. I didn’t even try to get it out. Went in the shop fired up the 644 lbh and went to work digging all the snow and ice with bucket and piling it up. It snowed while we were gone then thawed a bit creating ice over the snow. Then last night it snowed about 6”. Between pushing the snow filling the bucket and piling it up. Then back dragging scrapping the surface to remove ice. I got most of it cleaned off but will return tomorrow to finish the job and take some pics. Without a loader I would had a heck of a time trying to move this snow and ice mess. Harry
propane1 wrote: ↑Mon Feb 10, 2025 4:01 am
Hope you had a good trip Harry.
The weather was in the 70’s F every day and no rain. . The beach there had red tide so no going in the water and a lot of dead fish washed up on the shore. I did have many great seafood meals while there, which I always look forward to. Harry